Manhattan Project Round-Up
A lot of interesting and diverse articles about the Manhattan Project have popped up in my browser in the last week or so. Here are the ones that I think are the most interesting:
Cameron Reed at the American Physical Society has a new take on an old document: A handwritten note from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Vannevar Bush.
A new book by Ray Monk on the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer is reviewd byThe Telegraph.
Science Around Us
In Honor of Veteran’s Day, the Da Vinci Science Center posted resources and a video about the Manhattan Project, including links to quizzes and original documents.
Manhattan Project National Park
Gregory McNamee at the Encyclopedia Britannica Blog gives his take on the proposed National Park sites in Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Hanford.
Ed Westcott’s Secret City Photos
Last, but certainly not least, here is a nice feature on photographer Ed Westcott’s work during World War II by Chris Barrett at Metropulse.
This photograph shows the USS Nevada providing naval gunfire support for the troops storming Omaha and Utah beaches in Normandy. During the first 3 days of the invasion, the battleship fired 876 rounds of 14-inch and 3,491 rounds of 5-inch ammunition. The ship’s ten 14-inch guns threw 1,800-pound shells that landed as far as 17 miles away.
via DocsTeach